
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Prep Market 2016

This is a video of what our team has made for our PREP market.  We have made Stress Balls because we know there are a lot of people that get stressed a lot.  please buy our product.  It starts on Tuesday 13 December at Rangikura.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Comment On Rimu Team in

Hi my name is Kyara and I am going to answer these good questions.  
Glued - Questions:
1) What makes the mother initially go and turn the boys video games off?

His Mother got really annoyed of watching the video games being on all day long.

2) What do you think are some of the messages or themes in this video?
I learnt not to play on my video games too long because it ruins your eyes and you might need glasses.                                   

3) Why do you think the director of the movie decided to call it "Glued"?

Because people are glued to their video games while they are sitting on the couch or bed.

4) Do you think that children spend too much time on devices in their spare time? Give reasons why you think this!

Yes, but the thing is they need to learn how to play outside with their friends and other around their neighbourhood.  

5) What was the boy's problem at the end of the movie?

He couldn't get the ball to with the controller because he was so brain washed.

Please Watch The Video First.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Book Review

Diary Of The Wimpy Kid (Old School)
Jeff Kinney
Jeff Kinney
Jeffrey's parents are always talking about the good old days.  Jeffreys dad use to always talked about the good old days “what really amazed me is that it took so long to come up with an idea”.  He also said “when he was growing up in the summertime kids always played outside with their water guns and squirted until the dinner bell was rung”
What I liked best?
This is what I liked best about old school,  that they always talk about the old days and Jeffrey does not like that but Jeffrey's brother Roderick, Roderick has never smiled before,  he is more of a cool guy,  he also play´s in a band.
What I didn't like?
Is that Jeffrey had to go to camp when he did not want to, Roderick was so happy that Jeffrey is going.  I also did not like during camp Jeffrey tried to sneak back home but then he got caught by his friend Craig,  he said “ what are you doing” let's go back to the cabin.  
My Favourite Character and why
My favourite character is Roderick because he is always moody and he never smiles.
Would I recommend this book?
Yes, because if you are into people talking about the good old days then you should get this book it's is awesome and funny.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Olympic Art

This term me and my class (Room 10) worked hard on this artwork..  First we had to draw a tessellation and I used triangles and measured up a triangle with sides that were 3.8 cm long to make a hexagons, we made the hexagon with the triangles, we made them by 3.8 with a ruler to make the triangle.  The easiest part in my tessellation was doing the vocabulary and the values.  

My Olympic vocabulary is in the background, there is vocabulary like the 3 values they are FriendShip, Excellence and Respect.  When you play you get put in a place like 1st, 2nd or 3rd if you cheat then you won't get a medal just like Russia they take drugs.  I don’t know if there is other countries that take drugs.

In the speech bubbles and the thought bubbles are metaphors and similes.   My similes were, I was as fast as lightning reaching for the finish line and the other one was I am a kangaroo leaping over the ramps trying not to fall.  My metaphors were my long hair was flowing a golden river as I leapt over the ramps. I did that metaphor because as you leap over the ramps your hair flows in the wind like a waves and my other metaphor was the world is my stage as I pulled another stunt.  I did these similes and metaphors.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hong Kong STEM Challenge

6 x long sticks
1 x  wooden square
2 x pipe cleaners
2 x straws
1 x 1m ruler
11 x plastic cube
IMG_2064.JPGChallenge #1 - Build a structure with a cube as the base:

Challenge one was hard because we had to put one block as our base on the bottom. It always fell down but next time we will but light object.

Challenge #2 - Build the tallest structure that you can and your base can be any size:IMG_2114.JPG

It was hard because the higher it goes it wobbles a little and because me, Darnell and Javahn we were all working on the same thing once and we didnt work on talking to each other.

Challenge #3 -  Build a structure with something that balances off the side of it:IMG_2138.JPG
It was hard because the higher it goes it wobbles a little and because me, Darnell and Javahn we were all working on the same thing once and we didnt work on talking to each other
It was hard because we kept knocking it over with our fat hands and because we kept on bumping the table with our hands.  This happened because Darnell banged the table with his.

By: Kyara, Darnell & Javahn

Monday, September 5, 2016

Moment In Time Week 7

Today our teacher asked us to write a ‘Moment In Time’ piece using a picture of a boy in the water.  We planned as a class to make sure we had the 5 W’s and the 6 Senses.  

Before we began our writing in small groups we discussed the importance of using descriptive writing, using similes and metaphors where appropriate, using dialogue and have done our best to make sure our punctuation is correct.  Some of us have even used ‘Show Don’t Tell’ in our writing to provide our reader with more of an experience.

Our teacher gave us 10 minutes for each paragraph and then 10 minutes for editing at the end.  We had so much fun working together!

If you have a moment, we would love you to comment on our writing.  

Boy Overboard!

Jack and his Father went fishing, Jack looked down into the water to see if he could see some fish, his dad pushed him off the boat,  he splashed into the water and was gasping for breath, then suddenly he saw a shark swimming toward him.  His foot got caught into a net and all Jack could see was the sharks surrounding him “AHHH!”  screamed Jack.

As Jack was in the water he could see his Dad driving away in the boat.  “HELP!” Jack cried “HELP!” nobody could Jack’s lonely voice, his heart was pounding like the waves crashing against the rock in a storm.   It was like his Dad left in a blink of an eye one minute he was there, then 30 seconds later he was gone.

The sharks came back for more surrounding Jack in the deep blue sea, Jack tried to swim away but the sharks followed him from behind.  Jack tried to swim faster and faster as one shark from behind tried to take a chunk of meat out of Jack’s leg, Jack dodged the shark like a fish getting hooked by a fisher men.

Written by Mya and Kyara.

I think that it was fun working with my buddy Kyara because we both had different ideas to share with each other and to gather all our knowledge and I also learn more vocabulary from her.   

I think working with my buddy (Mya) was great and fun because she has ideas, we both share our ideas before we put it on our writing. When we put our ideas on our piece of writing, we also put a some similes in.

Sunday, August 14, 2016



These are some pictures of a triangle tessellation.
If you want to see more pictures of tessellations of Triangles.

Pictures of squares that are tessellated.
If you want to see more pictures of tessellations of Square.


Definition for Tessellations.
An arrangement of shapes closely fitted together, especially of polygons in a repeated pattern without gaps or overlapping.

A pattern made of identical shapes:
• the shapes must fit together without any gaps
• the shapes should not overlap

Example: This tessellation is made with squares and octagons.

These are a irregular polygon.  An irregular polygon means that the sides, angles, and vertice are no equal sided.
These are a regular polygon. A regular polygon means that the sides ,angles, and vertice are equal sided.

Irregular Polygon.
Regular Polygon.
Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 10.53.59 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 10.53.48 AM.png
This polygon is a  It has no equal sides or angles, an angle is a side of a the corner of the shape you have chosen.

This is a regular  polygon it’s a regular pentagon. It has equal sides and angles, an angle is a side of a the corner of the shape you have chosen.
the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
Vertice is when 2 lines come together.
Sides are the straight lines on a shape.

If you want to see more pictures.

What is an angle?

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Matariki Reflection

Matariki Reflection

Matariki is a time for reflecting.  Yesterday with whaea Toni we took the time to reflect on our year and set a new goal. Here is the goal I set below.  

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Screenshot 2016-07-01 at 12.05.43 PM.pngFile_000.jpeg

We made a Matariki star.  We used our algerbraic. We had a pattern to follow and this is how it went: 

 1,2 and down

1 and up.

We repeated this pattern until we got a star like the one's below.

Screenshot 2016-07-01 at 12.16.25 PM.png

Monday, June 27, 2016


Manu Tukutuku

Screenshot 2016-06-23 at 10.49.39 AM.png

Every year the māori people like me celebrated matariki. Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades.   It rises in mid-winter – late May or early June.  There are 7 stars a.k.a 7 sisters the names are Wāiti,  Wāita, Wāipuna-arāngi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Uru-a-rangi and the one and only Mātariki.  Matariki is celebrated with a feast,  pukanga  challenge, they also play knucklebones, they tell stories from the past, they use to make kites like ours but without the black paper and the wool maori people used strong harakeke also known as Roupo.

Room 10 made kite’s with our teacher Miss Hills. Miss Hills (room 10’s teacher) helped us with our kite’s.  For our kite’s we needed wool, rōupo, toetoe.   For the maths bit my measurement for the toetoe was 124cm long and we had to cut 40.3, but Miss Hills had to cut it with a sharp knife because  Miss Hills wanted us to be safe.

The easiest part of making our manu’s was weaving the wool on to the our manu it goes on the side like the picture.  The hardest  part was when we had to tighten it on the top of the kite. Me and my buddy needs to get along

First Miss Hills had to put us in buddies and my buddy was Manusina,  Manusina was my buddy because she was Samoan and I am Maori and because (this is what Miss Hills thought) I’m patient, I’m kind most of the time.  Then we went across the road to Idaho place (across from our school). Before we did anything we had to say our school karakia (payer).


  1. Toetoe
  2. Strong harakeke/ Rōupo  
  3. Wool
  4. Sharp knife
  5. Black paper
  6. Buddy
  7. Hot glue gun
  8. Scissor
  9. Pencil or pen
  10. Ruler
  11. Topic Te Reo to write our mathematical problems

  • They are the 7 sisters also known as 7 stars.
  • Matariki is a star cluster, not a constellation
  • You can see matariki yourself
  • Matariki has many different names all around the world like makali’i


Tikanga means means why we do what we do and respect it.

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